Sports this Week at LCHS

Mon. - March 24 - LCHS Tennis host Lawrence Co. @ 4:00

Mon. - March 24 - Falcon Soccer travels to Fayetteville - V-6:00

Mon. - March 24 - Falcon Baseball travels to Shelbyville - V-6:00

Tue. - March 25 - LCHS Tennis host Franklin Co. @ 4:00

Tue. - March 25 - Falcon Soccer travels to Warren Co. - JV-6:00; V-7:30

Tue. - March 25 - Falcon Baseball host Shelbyville - V-6:30

Tue. - March 25 - Lady Falcon Softball host Spring Hill - V-5:00; JV-6:30 (ON THE SCHEDULE AS AWAY GAME)

Wed. - March 26 - Lady Falcon Softball travels to Warren Co. (MAKE-UP GAME)

Thur. - March 27 - LCHS Tennis travels to Summertown @ 4:00

Thur. - March 27 - Falcon Soccer host Columbia - JV-5:30; V-7:00

Thur.-Fri. - March 27-28 - Falcon Baseball - Hoover Tournament

Fri.-Sat. - March 28-29 - Lady Falcon Softball - Riverdale Tournament


Lincoln County High School is located at 1233 Huntsville Highway in Fayetteville, TN. It was established with the consolidation of Central High, Flintville, Blanche, and Boonshill High Schools in 1979.

(931) 433-6505

Bus Transportation

In this episode of Lincoln County Connects Online, Jason Parks discusses with Shasta Brown about transportation and the need for school bus drivers and substitute drivers.